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Dust extraction ducting supplies, everything you need to know about them

Writer's picture: Kate WestallKate Westall

I remember seeing huge grey pipes in my school. I remember seeing similar pipes running around various factories and other places. I always wondered what they were. It is today while writing this article that I realised that they were air ducts that were purposed with dust extraction to keep the surrounding air clean. These huge pipes ran through rooms and roofs to pass the dirty air outside of the building.

There are types of extractors and ducts to deal with different kinds of issues. Some deal with fumes, some deal with dirt, others has an altogether different purpose of serving. Ducts are available in flexible models that can turn and twist. There are both metal and plastic ducts that are used in the method of extraction. And you need to choose only those ducts which do not react with chemicals or if there is any spillage. Here we take a look at dust extraction ducting supplies in general.

What all goes in a dust extractor?

HVAC system

Some places like a school auditorium may need a duct that does more than just clean the air. This is where an HVAC comes into the picture. Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning, dust extraction ducting supplies that look after all three of these aspects are known as HVAC. They clean the air; provide ventilation in the place they are installed and can act as a heater or cooler when the need arises.

Extractor fan ducting and Industrial extractor fan

Dust extraction ducting supplies also consist of the two terms mentioned above. An extractor fan ducting is concerned with cooling or heating a place and keeping the odour and steams away from the place where they are installed. Industrial extractor fans are burdened with purifying the air. There are different brands of industrial pipes and ducts that are available, and you can also check the right coupling so that it is strong, and it allows the ducts to work properly.

Wood dust extractors

Wood workshops or places where the people are dealing with cutting wood and shaping them, a lot of wood dust gets accumulated. This wood dust is harmful to humans and can enter the body or irritate the eyes and the skin, so to take care of these particles; one can get a wood dust extractor. These dust extraction ducting supplies work dedicatedly to clean the air and ridding the working space of any wood particles that may trouble humans.

Fume extractors

The dust extraction ducting supplies list cannot be over without mentioning fume extractors. Working in a laboratory or a place where welding is being done can make a person come across toxic fumes and other chemicals via air. The pipe sizes also differ, and you can choose a small or a medium duct accordingly. There are also ducts for parallel airflow, and you also need to make an arrangement for the right conductive coating that can save the pipe from any situation of combustion.

Different places may require different kinds of dust extraction ducting supplies. A wood extractor may be needed in a workshop that works with the woods, while a lab area or a wielder's place might require a fume extractor. Farming areas may also require a different type of extractor that suck in tiny particles left out from the crops that may mix in the air and trouble the humans.

Check the place where the ducts are installed. Small vacuums may do the job for a small shop, but a spacious shop demands the use of specialized dust extracting ducts to ensure maximum safety.

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